Friday, December 17, 2010

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

I have read the book and watched the movie. I have always loved the movie. After reading the book I found so much more depth in the story. I loved the way it was written in the format of which you felt you were reading her letters or journal. This aspect of the book reminded me of Saphire's Push. Both stories mimic one another in the aspect of incest and abuse of the girl children in the family. Both stories are very disturbing but in The Color Purple I felt at least there was a happier ending for Celie. She ended up having a deeper relationship than I first beleived with Shug Avery after reading the book. It was hard to read this story. You could definately tell it was another child telling the story. This story spanned over many years so you got to grow up with Celie within the story.  Celie was always told she was too dumb to go to school or read. I could not help by find myself cheering when Nettie was teaching it to her. Everyone should have this right.

 You got to be a personal witness to the rascism that took place during those times. Sofia ended up having to be enslaved by weathly family by a display of behavior that other whites could have done with out such harsh treatment. You could clearly see the social differences of the blacks in the story in comparison to their white counterparts. The book did a great job exploring Celie's personal journey in finding her inner strength and chaning her life for what was best for her. It was exciting to see Celie gain confidence to leave Mister. She ended up gaining such good friends and surrounded herself with them. That last dinner with Mister, Sophia, Harpo, Shug and the rest of their families was the climax for me. She got to tell how she had felt all her life to everyone she needed to all in one sitting. While the words flowed on the pages I felt her being liberated from her prison. I could hardly put this book down.

- Cassa Arnold

1 comment:

  1. Any connection between this and the books we've read for this class?
